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Building  Fund


before & after

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Classroom Renovations

Chapel Renovations

current building Projects

We are raising funds for these projects:



Martinpur Primary Classroom Block – goal $382,000

The Martinpur Christian Girls High School has many new buildings but the Primary building is over 100 years old. PEB has worked hard over the years to keep the building in good repair and provide a safe environment. However, the most recent engineering survey has made it clear that these patchwork repairs are no longer safe and it is urgent that we tear down and replace the old building. Students are using verandahs and having class in the multipurpose hall rather than risk the worst of the classrooms. 


Kinnaird Academy Classroom addition – goal $400,000
The Primary Section needs to be in a separate area, as there is currently not enough space. Adding more classrooms and making sure current classrooms are proper sizes will greatly help many needs. Plans include a staff preparation room, adequate sized classrooms, and space for activities. With these updates and addition, there will be space for more students in classes which will increase the finances of the school and will also provide suitable conditions for learning activities for students.


Sargodha EMS Girls Classroom addition – goal $200,000

There is not enough classroom space at EMS Sargodha Girls’ School and more families have enrolled their girls at our school. PEB renovated the crumbling 100+ year old dormitory to provide some temporary classes for older girls, and the younger girls have joined the overflowing classrooms at EMS Boys’ School. We will provide a block of 4 new classrooms with all of the furnishings for the girls at EMS Sargodha Girls’ School.
Sargodha EMS Boys Phase 3 – goal $185,000
Building projects are almost complete at this school. We are making updates to the left ground floor in this last phase of construction.
Lahore EMS Boys Phase 1 – goal $24,000
This school (also known as Gardentown) needs many updates. We are in the beginning phase of making updates to make this school more operational.
Pasrur Primary Classroom Block – goal $434,027

The primary building in Pasrur that held the youngest students has been condemned. It is 150 years old and was made with mud mortar that has deteriorated. The roof is in danger of collapse. Because it is not safe for students, they have been farmed out to hallways and porches for class. There is a growing demand for enrollment in the Christian Girls High School Pasrur. Building this new classroom building would provide a safe place for students and additional capacity of about 75 students.


We are working on this building in phases. When all 3 phases are completed, it will include 6 classrooms, 2 toilet blocks, verandahs, an administrative office, a staff room, and toilet blocks for the staff. Phase 1 is the ground floor classrooms and toilets. Phase 2 is the top floor classrooms and toilets. Phase 3 is the administrative and staff spaces.

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PO Box 72453 | Thorndale, PA | 19372 |



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